Coming soon: Construction underway for Potawatomi convenience store in Slinger

The 9,500-square-foot store is the first of two planned for southeast Wisconsin

fireside MARKET is building a new chain of convenience stores and gas stations, with construction underway at the first location in Slinger. The 5.1 acre site is the anchor tenant of the new Merchant Village off Highway 60 and Interstate 41.

Potawatomi Ventures also recently announced a second fireside MARKET location for Brown Deer. That store will be at the old Rite Hite corporate offices, off Brown Deer Road and Arbon Drive.

"In essence, it's taking a convenience offer and allowing fresh food and more healthy options. It is going to be made-to-order food, drive-thru." David Lloveras, executive vice president of fireside MARKET, told WISN 12 News.

These convenience stores will also feature a gas station and electric vehicle charging capabilities.

Potawatomi Ventures is the economic development branch of the Forest County Potawatomi community.

Lloveras explained to WISN 12 News why the brand known for its Casino Hotel is getting into the convenience store and gas station business.

Construction underway for Potawatomi convenience store in Slinger


David Lloveras with Cyreia Sandlin of WISN 12 news


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